His Wife Is Contacted Via WA By Social Minister Risma, Gorontalo Governor Rusli Habibie Says Sorry
JAKARTA - Gorontalo Governor Rusli Habibie asked the Family Hope Program (PKH) assistant Fajar Sidik Napu to forgive Social Minister Tri Rismaharini. Governor Rusli invited Fajar to his private residence in Moodu Village, Gorontalo City, Sunday, October 3.
On that occasion, Rusli listened to the clarification from Fajar's side, who was the victim of Risma's anger. Rusli also encouraged him and his PKH companions to remain sincere and sincere in working with residents.
"So Mr. Fajar, maybe the minister's mother at that time was tired so she could be upset. I apologize to the minister and forgive me too. This is just a miscommunication between us," said Governor Rusli, quoted from the Gorontalo Provincial Government website, Tuesday, October 5.
Rusli admitted that he had received a personal WhatsApp from Social Minister Risma. The message was sent to his wife, Idah Syahidah, who is also a member of Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives.
"As a governor, I also apologize to the Minister, if there is a sentence, my attitude that offends the Minister, please forgive me," he pleaded.
Governor Rusli said he did not want to prolong this problem. Everyone is asked to react wisely. Rusli admits that he loves Social Minister Risma, he just doesn't want Risma's frequent angry attitude to continue in other areas.
"I'm afraid that the Minister will meet with people who are less intelligent. We say the temper is short or what, the Minister will be attacked back. that's what we do not want. Hopefully, this is the first and the last," he added.
Rusli hopes that this problem will end. He made sure that what he was doing was a form of responsibility as governor, just as Mrs. Risma came as a minister. It has nothing to do with politics or any political party.
"So it's clean and clear, this is just a miscommunication. So don't turn it into a political opinion. No relationship at all. I speak as governor, Mr. Fajar as coordinator, Mrs. Risma came not as a party cadre but as Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.