Somber History Of Labor Party, How Will They Face The 2024 Election?

JAKARTA - The Labor Party will be resurrected to participate in the 2024 General Election contestation. The President of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal has emerged as the sole candidate for the General Chair of the Party. Said Iqbal claims the current Labor Party will bring a number of reforms. Interesting to watch. Because history shows the Labor Party has never sold. Why is that? How do they face the future?

Said Iqbal said the rise of the Labor Party was driven by the workers' disappointment over the birth of the omnibus law on the job creation law. At least seven unions were involved in the re-establishment of the Labor Party: the Confederation of Indonesian Prosperous Labor Unions (KSBSI), the Indonesian Workers' House-FSPMI, the Indonesian Workers' House-KSPI, the Indonesian People's Organization-KSPSI, KPBI, the Indonesian Workers' House-FSP KEP, and the Indonesian Workers-FSP FARKES.

A number of old Labor Party officials were also involved. They are the Indonesian Peasant Union (SPI), the Indonesian Private Honorary Education and Personnel Forum (FPTHSI), and the Indonesian Women's Movement (GPI). The 'reborn' Labor Party, said Said Iqbal, will not only continue the existence of the Labor Party which was founded in 1998. Said Iqbal believes that the 'reborn' Labor Party will become an important political force for the aspirations of the working class, fishermen, farmers, teachers, and women's groups.

"The passing of the omnibus law on the Job Creation Law is one of the main factors in reviving or reviving the Labor Party. The omnibus law is a major blow to the political defeat of the workers in industrial relations," said Said Iqbal, Sunday, October 4.

Demonstrations against the Job Creation Act (Wardhany Tsa Tsia/VOI)

Said Iqbal and the eleven unions realized that street action was not enough. They have to put representatives in parliament. Ideologically, the Labor Party will hold the ideology of Pancasila. Its derivation consists of three principles. First, equality of opportunity, where everyone has an equal opportunity to live a decent life. Second, equal distribution of wealth. The rich may enjoy their wealth as long as the middle and lower classes are not impoverished.

The second principle emphasizes that although it carries a class identity, the Labor Party is not present to clash with classes. The third principle is public responsibility. To fulfill all these principles, the Labor Party has prepared a number of programs, ranging from providing job opportunities, fighting low wages and arbitrary layoffs, social security, eradicating corruption, tax regulation, and other aspects related to industrial relations.

"This party is a class identity party. But that doesn't mean it is face to face. Class identity or we call it 'we are the working class'. We are the working class, to show that there are different interests in achieving the same goal, the goal of the state," Iqbal explained.

Labor Party never sells

After the fall of the New Order, a number of leaders of labor organizations formed political parties to face the 1999 elections. For example, the Indonesian Workers' Party (PPI), the National Labor Party (PBN), the All-Indonesian Workers' Solidarity Party (PSPSI), the Workers' Solidarity Party (PSP), and the People's Democratic Party (PRD). Even though they don't embed the word "labor", their colors are clear.

These parties have also long built a labor base through underground political work during the New Order government. However, their vote achievement in the 1999 General Election was not significant. Even in the 2004 and 2009 elections, 2014 was the first election without the presence of a labor party. The voices of the workers are increasingly divided.

Meanwhile, in 2019, the labor movement turned to populism of one of the candidates. The workers have always been a major political force. Data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) shows the development of the number of workers. In 2008, the proportion of workers to the Indonesian population was recorded at 27.5 percent. That number increased rapidly in 2017.

In 2017, the percentage of workers reached 40 percent of the population aged 15 years and over. Of the more than 40 million formal sector workers, there are 2.7 million registered as union members, according to data from the Ministry of Manpower released 2017. Historically, this percentage is nothing more than a number because it has not been converted into a solid political force.

Illustration of a labor demonstration photo (Mary Handayani/VOI)

Political analyst, Hendri Satrio mentioned the reasons that made the Labor Party in Indonesia tend not to sell. There was the influence of the New Order (Orba). During the New Order era, there were only three political parties. These parties, along the way, helped to form organizational wings to accommodate the interests of the workers. And it continues to be done, even by almost all parties to this day.

The labor force continues to be divided socially and politically. This can be seen from the labor union movements which are often not one voice. In addition, also looking at history, the formation of political parties in Indonesia so far has only been based on two views: nationalism and religion. Sectoral interests, such as the fate of workers, are far from being considered.

"During the New Order, for a long time, we only had three political parties. These three parties have also been expanding their wings to embrace the workers as well. That's why there is something that makes the Labor Party not sell well... Then the party Politics is not only about ideology, but also about the ability to move, financially as well," said Henri to VOI, Monday, October 4.

"Until now, in other parties there are also organizational wings that manage the voices of the workers ... So there is no uniqueness anymore... Except for the Labor Party, which can make a significant difference in the eyes of the workers, maybe it can still sell. But if you can't make a big difference from the existing party, so it doesn't sell well."

The political situation is very different from what happened in some other countries. The Labor Party is a major political force, often in power. In Norway, the Labor Party has just won a landslide victory in elections held since Monday, September 13. The party led by Jonas Gahr Store won 26.3 percent of the vote. Higher than the other eight parties.

In New Zealand, the Labor Party is leading, with Jacinta Ardern occupying the seat of Prime Minister. The 41-year-old woman is currently undergoing a continuation period of her leadership after winning the election in October 2020. Ardern's centre-left Labor party won 49.1 percent of the vote and has a majority in the 64-seat parliament.

How Said Iqbal's Labor Party faces the 2024 Election

KSPI President Said Iqbal (Source: Antara)

KSPI President Said Iqbal explained that the significant difference between the old and new Labor parties was the number of labor unions behind them. The old Labor Party was only supported by one trade union, namely the Confederation of All Indonesian Trade Unions (KSBSI). Today the Labor Party is supported by many elements. The party constituency, according to him, will be wider.

"Today the new Labor Party is supported by the Indonesian Peasant Union, the largest farmers' organization in Indonesia, four trade union confederations at the national level, 50 trade union federations at the national level, a forum for honorary teachers, honorary workers and private teachers, the Indonesian women's movement," Said Iqbal said in an online conference, Sunday, October 3.

Said Iqbal also mentioned the existence of the Labor Party as a necessity. The Employment Creation Act is a major blow that awakens the consciousness of the workers to unite as a political force. The next Labor Party, Said Iqbal said, will focus on a wider spectrum, starting from the reflection of social movements, trade union movements, peasant movements, and other similar movements.

The membership of the Labor Party at the provincial level reached one hundred percent. At the district/municipality level, 409 committees from 514 districts/cities have been formed. At the sub-district level, the membership of the Labor Party is around 49 percent. Currently, the Labor Party is finalizing its management structure before advancing to the process of verifying the registration of political parties participating in the election.

"It's also time for us to contribute to this country through the parliament through the DPR RI, DPD RI, DPRD, regional elections, gubernatorial elections, regents, mayors, even presidential-vice presidential elections. If God wants us to pass the KPU verification, of course, we will be involved in the process. democracy in 2024 elections in Indonesia," said Said Iqbal.

"As in industrial bases, let alone a thousand, one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand members (labor unions) we can make as KTA holders (party membership cards). In principle, that is what we will make as a constituent base," added Said Iqbal.

*Read other information about POLITICS or read other interesting articles from Diah Ayu Wardani and Yudhistira Mahabharata.

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