Hundreds Of Years Old Of Bridge In Agam, West Sumatra Totally Collapsed, Disrupted Residents' Schools And Recitations

WEST SUMATRA - A bridge connecting two villages in Jorong Surau Lauik, Nagari Panampuang, Ampek Angkek District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra, completely collapsed due to rainfall. This bridge is hundreds of years old.

The guardian of Jorong Surau Lauik, Wardi Afrizal, said the bridge with a length of about fifteen meters collapsed on Monday morning. As a result, thousands of people who used to pass had to turn around.

"Residents heard a rumbling sound then checked and reported to Pangka Tuo and the Jorong Government at around 00.30 WIB", he said in Agam, Antara, Monday, October 4.

According to him, the cause of the collapse of the bridge over the river as high as 20 meters is thought to be because it is hundreds of years old and weathered due to high rainfall.

"We think that the age factor of this bridge is because it is old. We think the main reason is, the foundation has also depended on the ground, plus it has been raining heavily in recent times", he said.

He said the bridge had existed since the colonial era which was then continuously repaired by the local community.

"For people who are directly affected, there are 200 families around the bridge, but we estimate there are around 2,000 people who pass through this place every day", he said.

Wardi explained the bridge which is usually called Thegantiang bridge on Simpang Jambakgantiang Street is generally passed by residents who go to school and farm every day.

"It's a pity for our children, whether they are going to school or reading the Koran, they are now forced to turn the road two kilometers, as well as residents who are farming", he said.

He said related agencies from the Agam Regency Government had checked the location and promised the construction of a new bridge.

"We hope that in fifteen days the bridge will already be there and can be used again by the community", he said.

The Thegantiang bridge is also an access road for residents to the Bukittinggi Penitentiary in Biaro, Ampek Angkek District.

Currently, residents in Jorong Surau Lauik are doing cooperation by covering the broken bridge and clearing the debris around the scene.