Case Of Alleged Corruption Of Road Paving In Simeulue Worth IDR 12.84 Billion Investigated By Aceh Police

JAKARTA - The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the Aceh Police is investigating allegations of corruption in the work of paving roads in Simeulue Regency with a value of IDR 12.84 billion.

The Director of Special Criminal Investigation (Dirreskrimsus) of the Aceh Police, Kombes Sony Sanjaya, in Banda Aceh, Saturday, said the asphalting work was managed by the Public Works and Spatial Planning Service (PUPR) of Simeulue Regency for the 2019 fiscal year.

"The alleged corruption case occurred in the 2019 fiscal year. In which, the Simeulue PUPR Service has a job in the form of asphalting with a ceiling value of more than IDR 12.8 billion", said Pol Kombes Sony Sanjaya, quoted by Antara, Saturday, October 2.

In this case, said Sony Sanjaya, Aceh Police investigators named six suspects, namely BF as the Official Commitment Maker (PPK).

Then, AS as the proxy for the director of the implementing company, IH and IS respectively as the budget user (PA), YS as the owner of the work, and MI as the technical implementing officer of the activity (PPTK).

In addition to identifying the suspects, investigators also confiscated evidence in the form of documents, ranging from planning, implementation, to payment, said Sony Sanjaya.

Sony said that the work included asphalting Simpang Batu Ragi Street to Simpang Patriot Street. The project was carried out by a company with the initials PT IMJ.

Based on the results of the examination, said Sony Sanjaya, the company did not complete the work until the end of the work contract on December 29, 2019.

The company was given an additional contract period of 50 working days until February 17, 2020, said the former Director of the Aceh Police General Criminal Investigation.

Then, he said again, when the progress of the work has only reached 65 percent, the company withdraws the budget which has reached 95 percent with the remaining 5 percent retention.

"The money withdrawn has exceeded the progress of the work and the results of the work in the field do not meet the required specifications. However, the entire implementation and accountability document is made as if it has been completed 100 percent", he also said.

He said based on the results of an audit of state financial losses issued by the auditors of the Aceh Representative Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), the state losses reached more than IDR 9 billion.

"The suspects are suspected of violating Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 3 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 31 of 1999 which was changed to Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code", said Kombes Pol Sony Sanjaya.