Discover The Treatment Of Stem Cell Therapy System For COVID-19 Patients, This Police Raises

JAKARTA - The Human Resources Bureau of the Regional Police (Polda) of South Sulawesi Province awarded an Extraordinary Promotion (KPLB) award to doctor Fajar Amansyah for his efforts to find treatment with a stem cell therapy system for COVID-19 patients. Fajar Amansyah, with this award can continue to improve self-quality, and motivate other Polri personnel to achieve the best for the Polri institution," said the South Sulawesi Regional Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Merdisyam during the promotion ceremony at the South Sulawesi Regional Police Biddokes Hall, Makassar, Monday. Doctor Fajar Amansyah was promoted from Commissioner of Police (Kompol) to Adjunct Commissioner of Police (AKBP). Fajar's doctor position as an Associate Expert at Bhayangkara Hospital TK II Biddokkes South Sulawesi Police.

The South Sulawesi Police Chief also said that the award given was based on his services and contributions with the team of investigators in finding the Secretome Hypoxia Mesenchimal Stem Cell in Controlling Cytokine Storm COVID-19, namely treatment for patients with COVID-19 with stem cell therapy. Promotion Extraordinary, added the Kapolda, meaning the recognition of the professional abilities of Polri personnel and PNS Polri who are considered to have exceeded their call of duty and have a spirit of sacrifice. In addition to practicing at Bhayangkara Hospital Makassar, he also practices at Awal Bros Hospital and Siloam Hospitals Makassar. In addition, doctor Fajar Amansyah is a member of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Indonesian Internal Medicine Specialist Association (PAPDI). The Head of Public Relations of the South Sulawesi Police, Kombes Pol. E Zulpan, added that the KPLB award was a form of appreciation from the Police leadership to members who were highly dedicated in carrying out their duties. good. In the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, they can make breakthroughs in carrying out tasks that are beneficial to the community," he added.