27 Regions In East Java With COVID-19 Level 1 Status, Most In Java-Bali

SURABAYA - Regencies/cities in East Java have the highest level of COVID-19 status in Java and Bali. Based on an assessment of the COVID-19 condition from the Ministry of Health, 27 of the 38 regions in East Java have level one status, while the remaining 11 regions are in level two.

"Alhamdulillah, the number of regions in East Java that are included in level one now reaches 27 districts/cities. This means that as many as 71.05 percent of areas in East Java are in level one," said Governor Jati Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Monday, September 27.

There are also regencies/cities included in level one, namely Tuban, Situbondo, Sidoarjo, Sampang, Ponorogo, Pasuruan, Pamekasan, Pacitan, Ngawi, Magetan, Madiun, Lumajang, Lamongan, Gresik, Pasuruan City, Mojokerto City, Kediri City, Blitar City, Batu City, Surabaya City, District of Kediri, Jombang, Jember, Bondowoso, Bojonegoro, Blitar, and Banyuwangi.

Meanwhile, the second level decreased from 13 regencies/cities to 11 regencies/cities. Thus, as many as 28.95 percent of regencies/cities are at level two. Among them, District of Tulungagung, Trenggalek, Sumenep, Probolinggo, Nganjuk, Mojokerto, Malang, Probolinggo City, Malang City, Madiun City, and District of Bangkalan.

Khofifah expressed her gratitude for the cooperation and mutual assistance from various strategic elements of the community. According to her, this achievement is a form of synergy and involvement of forkopimda, district/city government, health workers (nakes), and all parties who participate in preventing and controlling the spread of COVID-19 in East Java.

"Alhamdulillah, for the efforts of our cooperation and prayers, East Java Province has again received an addition to level one. We should be grateful for an atmosphere like this. However, please remain vigilant and follow the discipline of health protocols (prokes) and accelerate vaccination," she said.

However, Khofifah continues to invite the entire community to maintain double vigilance, with the discipline of carrying out health protocols. This is important, because the discipline of health protocols is one of the keys, to protect ourselves and those around us from the contagion of COVID-19.

"We must remain vigilant because currently several of our neighboring countries are struggling to face the third wave. Discipline towards the health protocol and mutual cooperation to accelerate vaccination, God willing, we will be able to prevent a third wave of COVID-19 increases in East Java," she said.