The Financial Services Authority Brings Good News, Capital Market Investors Increase By 2.3 Million During The Pandemic: The Total Currently Has Reached 6.1 Million

JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) noted that new investors in the capital market increased by around 2.3 million during the one-and-a-half-year period during the pandemic, bringing them to 6.1 million investors.

"This is based on a single investor identification (SID) owned by investors," said Tirta Segara, member of the OJK Board of Commissioners for Consumer Education & Protection, in an online discussion in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, September 27.

He said the increase in new investors in the capital market generally came from the millennial group, especially Generation X and Generation Y.

Therefore, the momentum of the high productive age participating in the capital market, as well as any economic activity, must be utilized as well as possible.

According to Tirta, the large share of the population after the productive age of 15-64 years in Indonesia is a belief that Indonesia will soon reach its golden age.

"So, this does not only make the role of millennial investors in the capital market bigger, but from the many young people who are driving the unicorns that are growing rapidly today," he said.

Thus, he assesses that Indonesia is currently enjoying a demographic bonus with such a large number of productive residents, whether we realize it or not.

Research by the World Bank and the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) estimates that Indonesia's dependency ratio will reach its lowest point in 2030, which is 46.9 percent.

"However, it should be noted that this demographic bonus will only be an advantage for Indonesia if it is supported by adequate quality human resources (HR)," said Tirta.