Threat Of PAW, Riswan Tony Has A Chance To Replace Azis Syamsuddin As Member Of DPR

JAKARTA - Azis Syamsuddin has sent a letter of resignation to the Golkar Party's DPP from his position as Deputy Chairman of the DPR RI. Azis, who is a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the Lampung II electoral district, is a suspect in the bribery case handling the KPK corruption case in Central Lampung which ensnared his former Regent, Mustafa.

However, currently, he is still a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives. As a result of the legal case, Azis is threatened with being removed from his position as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) by means of an interim replacement (PAW) mechanism.

If he becomes PAW, then Azis' seat as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the Lampung II electoral district is likely to be occupied by Riswan Tony DK. Ridwan has the opportunity to replace Azis in the electoral district because his vote is in third place.

Azis Syamsuddin (Photo: ANTARA)

Riswan Tony said the change was already regulated by law. Where, the next largest vote has the right to replace the member who is permanently absent.

"According to the law, the next largest voter has the right to replace members who are permanently absent," said Riswan, Saturday, September 25, evening.

However, Riswan admitted that he still had to wait for a permanent legal decision against Azis and directions from the Golkar Party DPP and the Indonesian KPU.

For information, of the 10 legislative candidates for the DPR RI from the Golkar Party for the 2019 Dapil Lampung II, the party chaired by Airlangga Hartarto received 281,277 votes.

Azis Syamsuddin was in first place with 104,042 votes. Followed by Ir. Hanan A. Rozak with a total of 31,016 votes already sitting in Senayan. Meanwhile, Drs. H. Riswan Tony DK in third place with 15,774 votes.

So, the name that has a strong chance to replace him is Riswan Tony DK, whose votes are in third place in the Lampung II electoral district, covering East Lampung, Central Lampung, North Lampung, Way Kanan, Tulangbawang, West Tulangbawang, and Mesuji.