Mendes Makes Lamongan A Pilot For Handling Extreme Poverty

LAMONGAN - Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Abdul Halim Iskandar made Lamongan Regency in East Java a pilot project in the National Extreme Poverty Management Program.

"Lamongan must immediately conduct cross-sectoral coordination, because the target is to complete the handling of extreme poverty by 2024," said Halim, quoted by Antara, Saturday, September 25.

Gus Halim, Abdul Halim Iskandar's nickname, said that the National Extreme Poverty Management program was directly led by the Vice President, Ma'ruf Amin. The plan is that the vice president will visit East Java to consolidate the handling of this program at the end of September.

Mendes expressed his appreciation to Lamongan for the sustainable program of 34 Independent Villages, of which there are 10 Independent Villages that serve as pilot projects, and are expected to be levers of village economic independence.

"Simultaneous handling of independent villages must be carried out, of course with a sustainable program, the Lamongan Regency Government has started by synergizing a number of agencies and OPDs to jointly handle villages so that they can move the village economy and residents. This is very positive in the new normal period, " said Halim.

Meanwhile, the Lamongan Regent, Yuhronur Efendi, said that his party had coordinated across sectors to prepare efforts to deal with Extreme Poverty in the region, including integrating existing poverty data from the SDGs survey.

"After knowing that Lamongan Regency was one of the project pilots, a simultaneous coordination meeting was held so that an understanding would immediately occur so that the movements and steps became more systematic," said Yuhronur.