Showing The Fence Built By Hotma Sitompul, Desiree Tarigan Asks For Her Mother's Land To Be Returned
JAKARTA - Desiree Tarigan has spoken again. After being silent for a long time because it was said to be at peace with Hotma Sitompul, Desiree re-uploaded the dispute she had with her husband.
Through Instagram @mamitoko, Desiree showed the permanent fence that Hotma Sitompul had built. Together with her mother's family, Desiree signaled that the dispute over her mother's land rights was not over.
"Thousands only ask for their rights to be returned. The Thousands' family has always supported Thousand, and listened to Thousands' complaints and asked to return Thousand's land", Desiree wrote, quoted on Friday, September 24.
"We have taken legal action, and there is an official measuring letter from BPN. Those who take land should have an awareness to return what is not theirs to thousands of owners", she added.
Netizens said that Hotma Sitompul was shameless because he was not ready to return his mother-in-law's land. "Those who put up a fence on Thousand's land have no shame, they don't use their brains properly", wrote the netizen.
In addition to the inheritance rights dispute, Desiree admitted that she did not get any property in her own name during her marriage to Hotma Sitompul. This makes Hotman Paris as a lawyer feel sorry.
"Desiree Tarigan is very beautiful and elegant and is now working hard to be able to buy a house! To this day she doesn't even have a house or kiosk in her name!! Sad! The owner of a Mamitoko", wrote Hotman Paris on Instagram, Monday, September 20.