Ali Kalora's Habit Was The Cause Of His Shooting Death

JAKARTA - The National Police said that the leader of the East Indonesia Mujahideen (MIT) terrorist group, Ali Kalora, could be paralyzed during an ambush after his habits were discovered. He often goes down to the settlement to ask the community for help.

"From the results of the investigation, it was found that Ali Kalora often came down and asked for logistical needs to be provided to the residents", said Head of Banops Densus 88, Kombes Aswin Siregar, to reporters, Friday, September 24.

Ali Kalora's habits were discovered after the Madago Task Force collected various information since early September. Moreover, mapping was also carried out along the Poso Pesisir Selatan, Poso Pesisir Utara to Parigi areas.

In the end, the analysis was proven. Because, right on September 18, Ali Kalora and Jaka Ramadhan were detected to be picking up their ordered goods. At that moment, the task force team ambushed and shot them both dead.

"Ali Kalora and Ikrima found someone to pick up the goods that had been ordered. Next, the team made an ambush so that both of them were shot and died on the spot", said Aswin.

For information, the Greater Madago Task Force was involved in a gun battle with an MIT fugitive, on Saturday, September 18. In that gun battle, two terrorists were killed.

One of the two MIT members who died was the leader of the MIT terrorist, Ali Ahmad aka Ali Kalora. Meanwhile, the other one with the identity of Jaka Ramadhan.