President Jokowi Hopes Door-to-Door Vaccination Triggers Public Enthusiasm

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) hopes that the COVID-19 vaccination which is carried out through a door-to-door mechanism can trigger greater public enthusiasm to participate in the mass vaccination program.

This was conveyed by President Jokowi in his statement after reviewing the implementation of door-to-door COVID-19 vaccinations in the fishing village of Sentolo Kawat, Cilacap, Central Java.

"We have carried out door-to-door vaccinations to provide services to the community, to invite more people who want to be vaccinated. And we hope that with services like this, more people will participate in the mass vaccination program", Jokowi said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 23.

Jokowi conveyed that door-to-door vaccinations on Thursday were held by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) in 9 provinces in Indonesia, to provide services to the community, and to invite more people to want to be vaccinated.

The President hopes that door-to-door vaccination activities will speed up the vaccination process in the country.

In addition, Jokowi reminded that even though they have received vaccinations, people must still maintain their health by implementing health protocols, especially wearing masks.

"But also don't forget that even though we have been vaccinated, we still have to maintain health protocols, especially wearing masks", said Jokowi.

Door-to-door vaccination in the Fisherman's Village Sentolo Kawat, Cilacap, Central Java, is intended for local people who work as fishermen, laborers, and traders.