School COVID-19 Cluster Appears In Central Java, Task Force Asks To Make Lessons In Other Areas
JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, asked other regions to take the case of the emergence of the COVID-19 cluster in Central Java as a lesson for the implementation of PTM (face-to-face learning).
"Various positive cases of COVID-19 that occurred to students in various regions must be used as important lessons for other regions so that similar cases do not recur and PTM can be carried out safely", said Wiku in a virtual press conference, Thursday, September 23.
Wiku asked each education unit to keep PTM limited by implementing strict health protocols. In this way, the transmission of COVID-19 can be prevented.
"I ask the education unit to be able to carry out face-to-face learning carefully and always prioritize the health and students of COVID-19 transmission", said Wiku.
"In addition, pay attention to the possibility of transmission at home, travel, or during teaching and learning activities. Make sure students and teaching staff adhere to health protocols in a disciplined manner", he continued.
For information, the public was shocked by the information that 90 students of SMPN 4 Mrebet Purbalingga School were positive for COVID-19. Now the status of 61 students of SMPN 3 Mrebet has appeared again, which is also reactive, referring to the results of the antigen test.
The Purbalingga Regency Government immediately temporarily suspended limited face-to-face learning activities (PTM) in order to carry out further evaluations regarding the readiness of health protocols.
"For the time being, the entire implementation of limited PTM is suspended until further evaluation is carried out", said the Head of the Purbalingga Regency Health Office, Hanung Wikantono.
Following that, PTM at a Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) in Rengging Village, Pecangaan District, Jepara Regency, Central Java, was finally stopped after cases emerged of 25 students and three teachers tested positive for COVID-19.
"Currently, teaching and learning activities at the MTs are closed due to the case", said Jepara Regency COVID-19 Acceleration and Handling Task Force Spokesperson, Muh Ali.
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo instructed that tracing or contact tracing be carried out regarding the findings of face-to-face learning clusters (PTM) in several regions.
"I ask for tracking, to find out where the cause came from, what kind of entry, so that it can be handled immediately", said Ganjar in Semarang.