Questions That Must Be Answered In The Case Of Luhut-Haris Azhar And Fatia

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan reported Haris Azhar and Fatia Maulidiyanti. Luhut considered the investigation results presented by Fatia on Haris Azhar's YouTube channel to be slanderous. On the other hand, Haris Azhar and Fatia continued to urge Luhut to respond to the results of the investigation referred to as answers.

Wednesday, September 22, Luhut, accompanied by his lawyer, Juniver Girsang, came to the Polda Metro Jaya to report Haris and Fatia on charges of defamation using the ITE Law. Luhut's report is registered with the number STTLP/B/4702/IX/2021/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA, 22 September 2021. "(Reported) is Haris Azhar and Fatia," Luhut told reporters.

In addition to the criminal lawsuit, Luhut's party also plans to file a civil lawsuit with compensation of Rp. 100 billion to Haris and Fatia. If the civil suit is granted, Luhut plans to donate the money to the Papuan people. "We will sue both Haris Azhar and Fatia who have defamed his name, that is Rp. 100 billion," said Juniver.

"This Rp 100 billion, if granted by the judge, will be donated to the people of Papua. That is why he was so enthusiastic that he proved what was alleged was not true and constituted slander of pollution," added Juniver.

Juniver stated that this legal step had been carefully thought out by Luhut. The Minister, Juniver said, wanted to show that there is no absolute freedom, including in opinion and expression. Moreover, according to Luhut, before deciding to report, he had twice submitted a subpoena, demanding that Haris and Fatia apologize.

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan (Rizky Adytia/VOI)

"I remind you that there is no absolute freedom, all freedom is responsible so I have the right to defend my human rights ... I agree that everyone is allowed to say anything to criticize anyone as long as they use data that can be tested together," said Luhut.

"Let us not easily spread slander, lies, and misleading opinions that result in hate speech to certain people or groups," he added.

Haris and Fatia, until the report was received by the Polda Metro Jaya, they had not responded to Luhut's steps with an apology. Haris' lawyer, Nurkholis Hidayat, emphasized that Haris was reluctant to apologize. Haris instead urged Luhut to respond to the results of the investigation presented on his YouTube channel with data-based answers.

"Of course, as previously stated, the accusations used to be brought to the police are defamation. We all know that legally there is a save guard for defamation as long as it is carried out in a capacity for the public interest and what is conveyed is a truth with a factual basis," said Nurkholis in an online press conference on KontraS YouTube, Wednesday, September 22.

"We believe that the research submitted by our friends from the NGO coalition regarding economic politics in the Wabu Block, Papua has not been refuted in the slightest with valid data. So there is no intention to correct or submit a request so far. Sorry to LBP. So until now we will continue to ask for the data from Mr. LBP to ask for claims regarding slander," added Nurkholis.

Moreover, Nurkholis views Luhut's report as an opportunity to provide as much data as possible regarding the alleged involvement "or traces of LBP in Papua in the Wabu Block." Fatia's attorney, Julius Hebrew, responded similarly. Julius hopes for a valid rebuttal from Luhut if the results of the NGO Coalition investigation are wrong.

The results of the NGO Coalition investigation on YouTube Haris Azhar

The video that was in the spotlight in this case was uploaded by the Haris Azhar channel with the title There is Lord Luhut Behind Intan Jaya's Economic Relations-Military Ops!! General BIN Also Available!!. The video shows a conversation between Haris Azhar, Director of Lokataru as the host; Fatia Maulidyanti, coordinator of Kontras; and Head of WALHI Papua's Advocacy Division Wirya Supriyadi, who joined online.

The three studied the results of the investigation by the NGO Coalition -- consisting of WALHI National Executive, WALHI Papua, KontraS, YLBHI, JATAM, Greenpeace Indonesia, Pusaka Bentala Rakyat, LBH Papua, and Trend Asia. The investigation shows the alleged link between the military operations in Intan Jaya and the gold exploration interests of PT Mind ID as the concession holder.

The investigation, entitled Economics and Politics of Military Placement in Papua: The Intan Jaya case, highlighted the involvement of a number of retired TNI soldiers who held positions in companies related to PT Mind ID. PT Mind ID itself was named in the investigation as a company under PT Tobacom Del Mandiri, a subsidiary of PT Toba Bara Sejahtra, a company owned by Luhut.

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan (Source: Documentation of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries)

There are four companies in Intan Jaya identified in this report. The four are PT Freeport Indonesia (IU Mining), PT Madinah Qurrata'Ain (IU Mining), PT Nusapati Satria (IU Mining), and PT Kotabara Miratama (IU Mining).

"Two of the four companies, namely PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) and PT Madinah Qurrata'Ain (PTMQ) are gold mining concessions identified as being connected to the military/police including even the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves), Luhut Binsar. Pandjaitan," wrote the research publication, quoted by VOI from the official WALHI website.

Furthermore, the investigation also provided indications of a relationship between the company's concessions and the deployment and deployment of the military in Papua. These military operations are also said to be illegal and have actually sparked an escalation of armed conflict, exacerbated terror for civilians, and added to the series of state violence in Papua.

"At least 10 percent of the population of Sugapa, the capital city of Intan Jaya Regency, were displaced, including 331 women and children in early 2021. Last April, the government of the Republic of Indonesia officially labeled armed groups affiliated with the Free Papua Organization (OPM) as terrorists. become the entry point for the legalization of military operations and the addition of troops."

Questions that must be answered

Haris Azhar's lawyer, Hendrayana, said he was ready to serve Luhut's report. However, Hendrayana regretted something. Like their attitude from the start, Hendrayana asked Luhut to explain substantively what was wrong with the results of the NGO Coalition research that was presented in a YouTube show on the Haris Azhar channel.

There are several key questions. The first concerns the involvement of Luhut's company as the holder of the gold mine exploration and exploitation concession in the Wabu Block. Then there is the matter of military operations which are suspected to be camouflage to launch the interests of mining operations. Others, of course, are comparative data that can show the wrong results of the NGO Coalition's research.

"Clearly what made him object to the results of the research. That's fine. Whatever you want, please. We provide the channel for clarification. Meanwhile, we don't know yet. The public has the right to know about the problems that are happening in Papua," said Hendrayana. to VOI.

According to Hendrayana, until now his party does not know what substance in the research results Luhut is arguing about. In his report, according to Hendrayana, Luhut actually questioned other things, such as the diction used in the chat and the title of the show itself. Hendrayana also emphasized that his party was not allergic to apologies.

Lokataru Director Haris Azhar (Source: Antara)

"That's what we are surprised about. He (Luhut) has not at all refuted the results of the research. Instead, he has problems with several dictions. Regarding podcast titles, interview remarks, and so on. But he doesn't touch the substance of the research results. sorry. We are ready to apologize if the research is wrong," said Hendrayana.

Hendrayana also denied Luhut's statement that there was no response from the two summons sent. But now the case is already rolling, Hendrayana, as Nurkholis views this report as an opportunity to open Luhut's involvement in the mining business in Papua more broadly. These data are currently being prepared.

"That's totally wrong. It's wrong if the LBP yesterday said we didn't respond. We've responded to two rebuttals related to the subpoena. And we've invited them directly, sent a letter for September 14 yesterday to meet. Until the time we wait they don't show up. Yes, we have tried to have good intentions, giving a proportional position. But the scoop is not welcome," said Hendrayana.