These Two Actors Confess They Were Addicted To Using Commercial Sex Workers

JAKARTA - Everyone has made mistakes when they were young. This mistake becomes a lesson if it is told to the next generation. Even famous people have made mistakes in their lives.

It takes courage, of course, to admit mistakes. As did Jackie Chan and Charlie Sheen who claimed to have used the services of commercial sex workers (CSWs) and even got addicted. Here's the story.

1. Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan opened up about his life journey as a youth through the book Never Grow Up. Jackie Chan was a stuntman at the very young age of 17 years. He often appeared in several Bruce Lee films.

The harsh demands of acting and the great risk to his life made Jackie Chan unable to control his life after receiving stunt man honors. To release his worries he entered the circle of gambling and often hired prostitutes.

"We (stuntmen) know that if something goes wrong, we won't live to be able to see the sunrise the next day. It gives us a short-term mentality, which encourages us to spend money in reckless ways," he said.

Jackie Chan admitted almost every night he met with prostitute number 9. Jackie Chan also every night met with number 9 and had sex in a small dark room.

"Every night Number Nine and I would go into his little dark cubicle, the low ceiling right above us. The room wasn't soundproof either, and we could hear almost everything around us, crystal clear," recalls Jackie Chan.

2. Charlie Sheen

Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen also shocked the media for spending a fantastic amount of money to hire prostitutes. In 2011, this Wall Street actor spent up to IDR 237 million to rent a prostitute overnight.

"Ginger (one of the prostitutes) said that Sheen used cocaine to get really drunk. He was really crazy and partied all night," he said at the time.

Charlie was said to be staying at a villa owned by Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine at the Palms Casino Resort, Las Vegas, United States. At the same location, Charlie once held a drug party with three porn stars.

In 2015, Charlie Sheen admitted that he was HIV-AIDS positive. Although it does not relate to his habit of eating commercial sex, it is known that HIV can indeed be transmitted through sexual intercourse. CSW services have a high risk of transmitting HIV.

"The day I was diagnosed, I immediately wanted to eat bullets," Sheen said. "But my mom was there, I wouldn't do that in front of her, or let her find me to clean up the mess."

"But then, something else came up to me. They gave me a handful of pills and said, 'You can go home now, and you'll live,'" Sheen said.