Indonesia Reaches 100 Million Doses Of COVID-19 Vaccination, Airlangga: This Is All Because Of The Cooperation Of All Parties

JAKARTA - The implementation of PPKM at the micro-level, the involvement of the National Armed Force (TNI)-National Police (Polri) and the accelerated vaccination program as well as the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine are strategies directly led by President Joko Widodo in dealing with the pandemic.

This was emphasized by the Chairperson of KPCPEN (Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery) Airlangga Hartarto in response to Indonesia's success in penetrating more than 100 million COVID-19 vaccinations, since last August. It has also received praise from the World Bank.

"In handling COVID-19, Indonesia also emphasizes strict discipline of Health protocols (prokes), especially in wearing masks. Also applying the PeduliLindungi application to enter risky activities, such as in public facilities, malls, or worship activities," said Airlangga, in a statement. statement, Monday 20 September.

The achievement of good vaccination is also possible because of the cooperation of various parties, especially the high public awareness. Currently, the total COVID-19 vaccination in Indonesia has reached more than 100 million doses

This achievement is a total combination of the first dose of vaccination, second dose of vaccination and booster vaccine. From the data released on September 19, the total achievement of the first dose of vaccination was 79.5 million doses and the second dose of vaccination was 45.1 million doses, and the vaccination for the third dose was 855.804 doses, which were specifically given to health workers (nakes).

According to the World Bank, achieving 100 million vaccines is an important milestone for one of the world's most affected countries by COVID-19 with an estimated 270 million population and challenging archipelagic geography. Since August 31, 2021, Indonesia has become one of seven countries that have achieved the 100 million doses of vaccination.

One thing worth highlighting in Indonesia is the power of partnerships working together for a common goal. The World Bank even mentions 100 million doses is an important milestone and cannot be achieved without extraordinary hard work by teams and communities throughout Indonesia.

The Indonesian government deserves this recognition, said the World Bank in its release. Indonesia became one of the first countries in the world to announce free COVID-19 vaccinations for its adult population.

The vaccination program in Indonesia has also been expanded to cover the 12-17 year age group and currently delivers more than 1.2 million doses per day. This number has almost increased 10-fold since mid-May 2021.

This timely and decisive action from Indonesia is because KPCPEN realizes the importance of timely vaccination to reduce the impact of the pandemic and works quickly to obtain sufficient vaccines for its population as soon as they are available.

At a time when global vaccine shortages have become a major problem for other countries, Indonesia has been able to secure a stable supply and significantly scale up its vaccination programme.

The achievement of 100 million doses is very worthy of recognition because it reaches a large population and is spread in various remote areas. Apart from praising the success of vaccination in Indonesia, the World Bank is also confident that Indonesia will be able to overcome the challenges of this pandemic successfully.