Kalla Group Successfully Vaccinate 1,260 Dhuafa In Makassar

JAKARTA - Kalla Group successfully held a mass vaccination specifically for the poor and disabled, which was attended by 1,260 people at Babussalam Mosque, Borong Raya, Makassar, Saturday 18 September.

Subhan Djaya Mappaturung as the Head of the COVID-19 Task Force for Kalla Group revealed that this activity is a form of concern for the Kalla Group as a company.

"We have held various mass vaccination programs targeting various parties. This time we made them specifically for the poor and disabled as a form of special attention," he said, quoted from Antara.

Participants were given the Sinovac vaccine for those who needed the first or second dose. Thousands of these participants attended the vaccine site from 8 am to 5 pm. This activity is in collaboration with Makassar Recover, Bank Muamalat, Project Da'wah, Teh Botol, and Babussalam Mosque.

According to Subhan, his office has started to vaccinate special targets such as the poor and disabled because the vaccination coverage in Makassar has exceeded 50 percent. So the vaccination strategy was changed to approach special groups of people.

"In the future, we will also serve island residents to get access to vaccinations as well," he said.

Subhan revealed that for Kalla's concern for the community, Kalla also successfully received a certificate of appreciation from the Makassar City PMI (Indonesian Red Cross).

This award was obtained for Kalla's concern in supporting the availability of blood at the Indonesian Red Cross Blood Transfusion Unit, Makassar City.

Meanwhile, Kalla has also given his appreciation for PMI donors to get special vaccinations in Nipah during the Third Wave 75,000 Vaccine Festival some time ago. In addition, Kalla also successfully held a conventional blood donor activity.

"Hopefully this award will motivate us to increase our humanitarian activities with a larger scope," added Subhan.

Previously, PMI Makassar City has signed a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) which aims to increase blood donor participation in Makassar City, so that it can help provide blood stocks for people in need.