Teenage Girl In Deli Serdang Beats Her Mobile Phone Snatcher Until Falling Down

MEDAN - Alda Syhakira, a 15-year-old girl thwarted a mugging against her.

The robbery took place on Simpang Station street, Purwo Alley, Suka Makmur Village, Delitua District, Deli Serdang Regency, Saturday, September 11.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Deli Tua Police, Inspector Martua Manik, said the incident began when the victim was riding her motorcycle.

"At that time, two perpetrators followed the victim from behind. One of the perpetrators stole the victim's cellphone from the dashboard of the victim's motorcycle," said Insp. Martua, Tuesday, September 14.

Finding her cell phone snatched, the victim, said Martua spontaneously shouting the thief while chasing the two perpetrators. When approaching the perpetrator, the victim also kicked the perpetrator's motorbike until it fell down.

"The victim screamed while chasing the two perpetrators and even kicked the perpetrator's motorbike, causing the victim to fall. Likewise, the two perpetrators also fell," continued Insp. Martua.

Furthermore, the police who went to the location immediately arrested the two perpetrators, whose initials were HP (27) and RTN (23) along with evidence.

"The two perpetrators and evidence were handed over to the police for processing. From the perpetrator's confession, they stole the victim's belongings, and if successful, the money will be used to buy methamphetamine drugs," he said.

For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 365 Paragraph 2 to 1e and 2e of the Criminal Code.