Different From SBY, In Jokowi Era, Minister Of Finance Sri Mulyani Was Protected To Pursue Debts Of Rp110.45 Trillion BLBI Obligors

JAKARTA - The Indonesian government through the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Task Force (BLBI) continues to pursue the assets of obligors or debtors to settle their debts to the state.

The total debt that must be paid by tens of obligors touches the figure of up to Rp110.45 trillion. One of the figures who play an important role in pursuing debtors is the Minister of Finance (Menkeu), Sri Mulyani.

Social media activist Denny Siregar stated that since together with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani has appeared so fierce in chasing these debtors. It was different in the era of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), where Sri Mulyani had to resign because of great political pressure from the elite regarding the BLBI.

"Maybe because she was brought by Jokowi, she felt comfortable and did not get political pressure to carry out her work. She told me that during her time as Minister of Finance during the SBY era, she often received pressure from the elite and it seems that when pressured, Mrs. Sri Mulyani did not get protection from the president," explained Denny in Cokro TV's Timeline program "Denny Siregar: SRI MULYANI VS ANAK-ANAK CENDANA," quoted Monday, September 13.

Politically, said Denny, it was clear that Jokowi was protecting Sri Mulyani so that she would be safer in the tough and dangerous field. Moreover, the BLBI debt affairs which have not been completed for 22 years.

"Why is it dangerous, because those who were previously lent by the government are already rich, some even have all kinds of parties. This makes Mrs. Sri Mulyani a warlord who is on the front line to repay the remaining debt amounting to a total of Rp110 trillion," explained Denny.

One of the problems faced by Sri Mulyani was Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana or known as Mbak Tutut, the daughter of President Suharto who was in power for 32 years. Tutut, said Denny, received BLBI funds through three of her companies with a total loan of almost Rp1 trillion.

Besides Tutut, Tommy Suharto is also being chased by BLBI for BLBI debt with a much more fantastic rate of Rp2.3 trillion.

"This money was borrowed by Tommy through a bank, namely Bank Pesona Utama. The bank is now gone, but the debt is still a debt and must be collected. Tommy has to pay and he is now being chased by the BLBI Task Force to pay off his debts," said Denny.

According to Denny, because this case has been going on for about 22 years, it takes an extraordinary amount of courage to collect it. He smelled that the recent demonstrations were related to the elite's agreement to bring down Jokowi.

"Because Jokowi has the intention to return the country's money," said Denny.