Preparing IDR 25 Billion Fund, Bobby Nasution Orders To Immediately Normalize Rivers In Medan

MEDAN - The Medan City Government, North Sumatra, has asked for the normalization of three rivers to deal with flooding in this area as soon as this year.

"There are three rivers, namely Bederah, Babura, and Deli, please normalize them. But it is necessary to agree on which one to prioritize first", said Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution, quoted by Antara, Friday, September 10.

The Medan City Government, according to Bobby Nasution, has prepared a budget for land acquisition of IDR 25 billion for the normalization activity.

Bobby Nasution also revealed that although land acquisition activities in watersheds are usually borne by the central and provincial governments.

"If there is a budget from the Medan City Government, the center can spend an even bigger budget. Now we have prepared a land acquisition budget", said Bobby.

The Mayor of Medan hopes that the Sumatra II River Basin Center (BWS) will immediately provide progress that has been achieved with the availability of budget, both the Medan City Government, the North Sumatra Provincial Government, and the center.

"Through the budget, what percentage can be done. What percentage will also reduce the coverage of areas affected by flooding", explained Bobby.