Not Satisfied With Ethical Sanctions, ICW Reports Lili Pintauli To the Criminal Investigation Unit
JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) has reported the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Lili Pintauli, to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police. The report was related to the communication that Lili had with the litigants.
"ICW has reported KPK leader Lili Pinatuli Siregar to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police on suspicion of violating Article 36 in conjunction with Article 65 of the KPK Law", ICW researcher, Kurnia Ramadhana, told reporters, Wednesday, September 8.
The decision to report Lili, said Kurnia, was because the KPK Supervisory Board did not do it. In fact, Lili was found guilty in an ethics trial some time ago.
"We do not see the intention of the Supervisory Board to follow up on the facts revealed in the Supervisory Board," he said.
With this report, Kurnia hopes that the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit, will instruct his staff to handle the report. That way, Kurnia continued, justice can be upheld.
"We emphasize that the National Police Chief can take a closer look at this report. Because the facts are clear, in the Supervisory Board trial it was explicitly stated that Lili communicated with former Tanjungbalai Mayor M. Syahrial", said Kurnia.
The report also includes several pieces of evidence. In fact, the evidence shows that Lili's communication with the Mayor of Tanjungbalai is off.
"Yes, we attach here the documents that clearly show the communication between Lili Pintauli Siregar and M. Syahrial", said Kurnia.
As previously reported, the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Lili Pintauli Siregar, accepted the sentence that the Supervisory Board had imposed on her. Supervisory Board imposed a sanction on Lili in the form of a 40 percent reduction in her basic salary for 12 months.
That's because Lili was proven to be a code of ethics for providing information about the development of the handling of the case in Tanjungbalai which dragged Mayor M Syahrial.
Supervisory Board imposed severe sanctions on Lili in the form of a pay cut. Lili was found guilty of abusing her position and was in direct contact with the Mayor of Tanjungbalai M Syahrial.
"Punishing the examinee with a severe sanction in the form of cutting his basic salary by 40 percent for 12 months", said Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, chairman of the KPK Supervisory Board.