Inland North Kalimantan Residents Can Smile After Central Government Recognizes Customary Rights

TANJUNG SELOR - The people of Long Jalan Village, Malinau Selatan Hulu Subdistrict, Malinau Regency, North Kalimantan, welcome the Village Forest Decree from the central government, which means state recognition of their customary rights.
"The residents are indeed happy after we submitted the Village Forest Decree to the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia", said Warsi Sukmareni, Coordinator of the Communication Division of the Indonesian Conservation Community (KKI), in Malinau, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, September 7.
In the decree number SK.1548/MenLHK-PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/3/2021, the Long Jalan community was given the right to manage a village forest covering an area of 18,891 ha.
A non-profit organization that has been carrying out community assistance activities in and around the forest in North Kalimantan since 2017. Since 2018 it has started to struggle to help Punan residents, starting with understanding community conditions, resolving village boundaries, and then going to the central government.
With this village forest, the community can make good use of the forest-based on their local wisdom.
"The goal is that forest sustainability and people's welfare go hand in hand. With this decree, timber or plantation companies cannot enter this area", he said.
Good forest management will depend on meeting the needs of the community. Especially in Long Jalan, their main need is to secure agarwood which is the main support for the economy.
Now, this sustainable management is very possible for the community after the issuance of this village forest decree, which can be said to be the granting of the widest village forest management rights during Warsi's assistance in proposing forest management rights in Sumatra and Kalimantan.
"Hopefully the community can protect their forest resources and achieve prosperity from the forest, by applicable regulations", he said.
By the mandate in the Decree given by the Minister of Environment and Forestry, with this village forest, the community can get protection from environmental destruction and pollution or unilateral takeover by other parties.
"This will certainly strengthen the community from exploitation by timber licensing", he said.
In addition, rural communities can develop a forest-based productive economy, as well as get assistance from the government in managing their village forests.
This Village Forest Decree, further adds to the achievements of social forestry in Malinau District.
Warsi data, a similar permit has also been obtained by Long Pada Village in an area of 6,682 based on SK.4077/MENLHK-PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/6/2020,
Long Nyau Village covers an area of 1,866 ha with SK.4069/MENLHK-PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/6/2020. Mirau Village in an area of 2,439 ha with SK.4073/MENLHK-PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/6/2020.
Laban Nyarit Village in an area of 851ha with SK.1219/MENLHK-PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/3/2021. Long lake village 9,646 ha with SK.1547/MENLHK-PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/3/2021.
In addition, a similar decree was also received by Long Kemuat Village on an area of 252 ha based on the decree. 8957 /MENLHK-PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/12/2018 in conjunction with SK.8471/MENLHK-PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/10/2019.
Long Berini Village covers an area of 4,667 ha by Decree. 8954/MENLHK-PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/12/2018 in conjunction with SK.8473/MENLHK-PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/10/2019 and Setulang Village covering an area of 4,415 ha based on SK.526/Menhut-II/2013.
With the recognition of forest management rights by the community, it is hoped that it will lead to sustainable and sustainable management that is ecologically and economically beneficial.