Crowd Case At Holywings Kemang, Polda Metro Jaya Ensures Management Legal Process

JAKARTA - The management of Holywings Kemang cafe will be prosecuted in the aftermath of violations of health protocols during the Implementation of Level 3 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

In this case, the management was deemed to have violated the Law on infectious disease outbreaks.

"Yes, we will process (management)", said the Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Monday, September 6.

"We apply Law number 4 of 1984 regarding infectious disease outbreaks", he continued.

In the process, said Yusri, one by one the management team will be questioned. The goal is to find out why they choose to continue operating during the PPKM level 3.

In fact, in the rules, all places to eat in a closed room are allowed to operate but with some conditions. For example, the capacity is only 25 percent and the operational time is until 21.00 WIB.

"We will conduct a marathon investigation of all those involved here", said Yusri.

In addition, Yusri emphasized that his party would not be selective in enforcing the rules. All parties who violate will be processed according to the rules.

"The point is, we emphasize again that there is no selective logging, not only this, anyone who violates the health protocol during the PPKM level 3 will be processed all", said Yusri.

The crowd at Holywings Kemang occurred on the evening of Saturday, September 4th. Visitors who attended exceeded capacity and many of them were not wearing masks.

The joint police and DKI Civil Service Police Unit dispersed all customers at Holywings Kemang while conducting a judicial operation. The authorities asked the management to immediately close Holywings that night.