Demonstration Of Supporting Formula E Interpellation In Front Of DKI Regional Representative Council Building Disbanded By Police

JAKARTA - The masses on behalf of the Community Forum for Justice and the People's Movement for Care for the Nation held a demonstration in front of the DKI Regional Representative Council (DPRD) building. They voiced their support for the Formula E interpellation.

This action starts at around 12.30 p.m. local time. However, not long ago the action was held, the police asked the crowd to disperse.

A police officer on duty asked for the demonstration to be completed in the middle of an oration. Because at this time the crowd is still prohibited due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Just turn it off, ma'am (the speech). This is a crowd. It's not allowed (holding an action), there is no permit", said a police officer at the location, Monday, September 6.

At first, the participants did not heed the instructions of the police. They wanted to continue their speeches to voice their support for the DPRD's right of interpellation on Formula E. An argument ensued.

Because they did not disperse, the officers wanted to take one of the demonstrators into the prisoner's car. Seeing this, another participant stated that he wanted to accompany him.

"If one enters, all enter (the prisoner's car). We will control all of them", shouted one of the participants in the action.

In the end, the officers did not secure one of the participants in the action because the participants dispersed. The action agreed to be disbanded because there were already mass representatives who entered the DKI DPRD building to hold an audience.

It is known that seven factions other than PDIP and PSI Parties in the DPRD said they disagreed with the proposed Interpellation Rights Formula E. Thus, only 33 DRPD members from PDIP and PSI submitted the proposal.

The DPRD will still hold a plenary meeting to determine whether the interpellation can be held. In order for the interpellation to take place, the DPRD members present at the plenary meeting must meet a quorum of 50 percent + 1 or as many as 54 DPRD members. Therefore, PDIP and PSI lobbied DPRD members from other factions to participate in plenary meetings.