TNI AD Persons Persecuting Prada Candra In Gorontalo Undergo Legal Processes To Military Courts

GORONTALO – Recently, there has been a viral case on social media of abuse carried out by a number of elements of the Indonesian Army which caused the death of one of the personnel of Battalion Raider 715/Motuliato. The victim's family is said to have reported the incident.

As reported by the media, Prada Candra began serving on Battalion Raider 715/MTL since April 2, 2021, in North Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo.

Prada Candra's family from Manado, North Sulawesi received news that Candra had been sick since July 18. However, when the family headed to Gorontalo, they received news that Candra was dead.

The existence of irregularities in this case was felt by Prada Candra's family. Because there were bruises on his body. They also decided on an autopsy on Prada Candra's body on July 20.

The family also uploaded a complaint to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on social media. They demand justice.

Based on the information obtained, the Head of the Army Information Service (Kadispenad) Brigadier General Tatang Subarna said his party had arrested six members of the TNI who were suspected of molesting Prada Candra.

"The six suspects who perpetrated the mistreatment of Prada Candra Gerson Kumaralo are all in detention and have completed their examination by the Military Police Investigation Team of Kodam XIII/Merdeka," said TNI Brigadier General Tatang Subarna in a statement, Saturday, September 4.

According to a written statement, his party will process the perpetrators to the Military Court.

"The case files of all the suspects have been transferred to the Military Oditur IV-18 Manado on August 23, 2021," he added.

In accordance with the direction of the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Andika Perkasa, the legal process for this case will be open.

"Furthermore, the Army will continue to oversee this legal process at the Military Auditor IV-18 Manado until the Military Court is complete," he concluded.