Recognize The Characteristics And 6 Ways To Overcome Shrimp Allergies Without Medicine

JAKARTA – Experiencing bumps on the lips and itching after eating seafood is one of the symptoms of allergies. Even with a shrimp allergy, a person can experience these characteristics.

The most common cause of shrimp allergy is the immune system's reaction to the protein contained in shrimp. Quoted from Medical News Today, Saturday, September 4, the immune system can react because it considers the protein - which is contained in seafood - is considered a threat.

Then some characteristics will appear as the release of histamine, a chemical compound that causes allergy symptoms. The general characteristics that are often experienced after a few minutes or days after eating shrimp are as follows:

Skin rash, hives, and itching. Hoarse voice followed by coughing. Hard to breathe. Dizzy. Swollen mouth, swollen throat. Stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Loss of focus, until loss of consciousness.

The signs of a shrimp allergy mentioned above can be experienced in a short time. However, in some cases it lasts for days.

Shrimp allergy can also be experienced by infants and children. The symptoms are no different from those experienced by adults. This means that parents need to identify what foods are consumed before symptoms of shrimp allergy occur.

In dealing with shrimp allergies, the first way is to consult a doctor. The doctor will perform a series of tests related to food allergies and prescribe medication. To overcome this without medication, there are 6 natural ingredients that can be used as first aid when allergic to shrimp.

Natural ingredients that can quickly overcome shrimp allergies include the following:

Lemon juice mixed with warm water. Honey mixed with a glass of warm water. Warm ginger ale. Castor seed oil is dissolved in water and then drunk warm. Drink coconut water. Eat foods that contain vitamin E, including nuts

Because everyone has a different metabolic and immune system, if the shrimp allergy is not cured with the natural ingredients above, it is advisable to check with a doctor to get the right solution.