Police Call 5 Sidetapa Villagers To Witness The Beating Case Of The Buleleng Dandim

BULELENG - The incident of beating the Dandim of Buleleng Bali in Sidetapa Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency, Bali is currently being processed by law.

Buleleng Police Chief AKBP Andrian Pramudianto said his party had summoned 5 residents of Sidetapa Village. The legal process continues on the report of Dandim 1609/Buleleng Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Windra Lisrianto.

"Yes (summoned) as a witness, about the incident, what they know. Who, what, how, the incident happened. Chronologically, whether there was an incident or not," said AKBP Andrian when contacted Tuesday, August 31.

The five residents were cooperative in the examination. Those questioned were Kadek Dicky Okta Andrean, Gede Dendi Teguh Wahyudi, Made Sumada, Nyoman Wijaya, and Putu Pujianto. In addition, it is possible that investigators will summon witnesses from the TNI to complete their statements.

"(They) are still examining witnesses. Those who were present at the time of the incident, Satpol PP, Dishub, Puskesmas, will be summoned. Including the reported parties, we may call if further information or evidence is needed," he added.

While confirmed separately, the lawyer for Sidetapa resident Gede Pasek Suardika said the beating of the Buleleng Dandim was far from logical.

"That is far from the logic of the field, which dares to hit the Dandim. That is the first, and from the existing witnesses, it is said that they won, there was no beating. Instead they (the residents were beaten)," he said.

"But, whatever it is, actually there has been a peaceful way. Because, there has been peace but still proceed to the legal process, yes it is. We, like it or not, we are preparing the existing evidence," he continued.

Therefore, his party has also reported the beating of residents by members of the TNI to Denpom IX Udayana on Friday 27 August by submitting video evidence that had gone viral on social media.

"He reported that on Friday, some of the evidence wanted to be handed over again, some of it was already reported. If the video evidence is evidence, then the bucket, if I'm not mistaken, was used to throw the residents as well, and several other pieces of evidence have been handed over," he said.

Previously viral on social media, soldiers kicked and beat teenagers. The teenager was beaten because he had hit the Dandim of Buleleng from behind.