5 Signs Of Low Self Esteem, Know How To Overcome It

JAKARTA - Self-esteem or in psychology is called self-esteem is used to describe self-worth. Self-esteem is close to how to appreciate, appreciate, and love yourself.

Self-respect is important to increase self-confidence. The effect will be large through every trajectory of life, such as influencing attitudes in relationships, social relationships, and self-expression.

In this review, there are 5 signs of low levels of self-esteem. Check the following list below.

1. Have a negative view of yourself

Thinking that you are a weak person in all aspects, for example considering you are less attractive, have no abilities, feel 'small', and have no meaning can be a sign of low self-esteem. People with low self-esteem often feel inferior and discouraged.

2. Shaded by doubt

Signs of low self-esteem can be recognized by being aware of everyday attitudes. Such as often doubting your own abilities, is also one of the signs. Everyone has their own flaws, no one is perfect. But if you doubt your own abilities, it can hinder every step and life choice.

3. Your own mistakes are always thought deeply

Besides being imperfect, humans also make mistakes. Well, a sign of low self-esteem can be recognized by responding to a mistake. If mistakes are brought up and regretted, it will be difficult to find a solution.

4. Perfectionist

Perfection is achieved through the process of learning from making mistakes. So, if you are wrong, you need to learn in a new way. Perfectionism also marks low self-esteem. Someone becomes hard to do something because the pursuit of perfection makes you feel unconfident.

5. Taking the praise of others is a measure of success

The measure of self-significance is not from the praise of others but what has been done so that it has a positive effect on others. Achievements of success are made by oneself with hard work and support from others.

How to increase self-esteem, first, can be by doing self-talk or talking to yourself to reflect. When you're nervous about lack of confidence, fear of failure, and worry about being judged poorly, then try to make positive statements for yourself.

Second, by challenging yourself to learn something new. For example, by pursuing a new hobby or traveling solo.

Third, implementing self care by eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy body, and taking good care of the body.

The last way to increase self-esteem by controlling social relationships. By avoiding toxic relationships, then you have respected yourself.