Identify 6 Movement Characteristics That Mark The Baby's Transverse Position In The Uterus

JAKARTA - Pregnancy with the baby in a transverse position or often known as a breech occurs when the baby's feet are on the right side of the stomach while the head is on the left, or vice versa. It could also be, the feet are down near the birth canal and the head is up. The baby should be in a normal position, namely the head facing the birth canal so that it will facilitate the birth process.

The transverse position of the baby is also one of the obstacles to normal delivery, both for you and your little one. For more details, let's recognize the following characteristics of transverse fetal movement. Detection as early as possible so you can get the right solution before the day of delivery arrives.

Experiencing subcostal discomfort

The hallmark of transverse fetal movement is when you experience subcostal discomfort, which is discomfort from the pelvis to the ribs. The pain is like a twisted stomach or pain during menstruation in patients with cysts. This discomfort can interfere with your activities and you always want to lean your back with an extra pillow as a back support.

Baby's foot kick is felt next to the uterus

In a normal pregnancy, the baby's kick will be felt above the uterus because the position of the baby's feet is up with the head down, near the birth canal. However, the characteristic transverse fetal movement will be felt when the baby kicks from the side of the uterus. If you start to feel this way, consult a doctor immediately.

Place baby's head

Another feature of transverse fetal movement can be seen from the position of the baby's head. If the baby is in a breech position, the doctor will feel a large mass on the side of the abdomen. The mass is the baby's head. Whereas normally, the mass feels heavier at the bottom close to the vagina.

Locate the baby's heartbeat

Traits of transverse fetal movement can also be recognized from the location of the baby's heartbeat. When doing an ultrasound at 32 to 35 weeks, the heartbeat should be felt to be coming from the mother's navel. However, if the baby is in a breech position, the heartbeat is felt next to or above the navel. Therefore, regular control when entering the third trimester of pregnancy is very important for you to prevent unwanted things.

Irregular mass in the mother's pelvis

The presence of an irregular mass during abdominal palpation also indicates transverse fetal movement. This is because this indicates that it is not the baby's head that first descends to the pelvis, but the baby's back. No need to worry, you. Doctors will do their best to deal with this.

Through vaginal examination

The latter characteristic of transverse fetal movement can be identified by vaginal examination. Usually it will be found out when the mother experiences an opening before delivery. If you don't find a hard mass like the baby's head in the mother's vagina, it's likely that the baby is transverse.