PHE Utilizes Digital Transformation To Check Old Well

JAKARTA - Commissioner of Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Fadli Rahman said digital transformation is something that cannot be denied. He admitted that it is indeed not easy to implement it in companies but parties continue to try to increase the use of technology and digitization.

Faldi said, digital transformation can also provide convenience. Included in the use of seeing the potential of old wells. According to him, PHE has learned from world oil and gas companies such as British Petroleum to Adnoc, which have already done so.

"We will also implement digital transformation and maintenance so that the maintenance of old wells can be carried out early and not reactive," he said, in a virtual discussion, Friday, June 26.

According to Fadli, PHE had 100 percent digitized for the company's operations before being appointed as subholding. Digitalization has been implemented on 55 existing PHE blocks from the tip of Sumatra to the tip of Papua.

"We continue to follow, everything must be focused, it must be fast and digital transformation is what Pertamina Hulu is implementing," he explained.

Furthermore, Fadli revealed, every company that implements digital transformation has experienced a company valuation growth of 2.4 times compared to those that do not implement it.

"The ROI increase for companies that applied for digital transformation reached 50 percent earlier than the late ones. That was before COVID-19," he said.

Fadli said that his party conducted a survey to find out which companies have used global transportation. As a result, more than 75 percent of all companies in the world have decided to accelerate digital transformation.