After Mediation, The Case Of Beating The Buleleng Dandim Still Continued By The Police

BULELENG - The case of the beating of Dandim 1606/Buleleng Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Windra Lisrianto by a resident of Sidatapa Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency, Bali, is being followed up by the police.

Buleleng Police Chief Andrian Pramudianto confirmed this. He only asserted himself as a mediator for the mediation of the two parties which took place on Tuesday, August 24.

"I, as the mediator, bring it together. If it is later, how come from both parties, it's not my (authority) anymore, please ask Mr. Dandim or Sidatapa", said Andrian, when contacted Wednesday, August 25.

"We are still processing the report for Mr. Dandim. We have called and we have examined the witnesses from the Military District Commander (Kodim)", he added.

Andrian explained that there were five residents who would be summoned by the police to undergo an examination.

"Yesterday, if I'm not mistaken, five people (citizens were reported). We don't know who hit who. It's still under investigation", he said.

The five residents will be summoned for examination. While the article that will be imposed in this case is called the Buleleng Police Chief depending on the results of the examination.

"They will be called, they won't be called right away today. We give it time to call. (For example) being called today comes in two or three days", he said.

Previously, the mediation of the beating case in Sidatapa Village, Banjar, Buleleng, Bali between the Dandim and the residents yielded results. The Dandim of Buleleng and the residents agreed to make peace.

The mediation was conducted by the Head of the Buleleng Police, Andrian Pramudianto Wantilan Pura, Sidatapa Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency, Bali, Tuesday, August 24.

"The results of the mediation went smoothly, the community has accepted peace. In the future there will be no further problems", said Andrian.

He explained that the report from the Buleleng Dandim Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Windra Lisrianto who was beaten by residents would be revoked.

"The report, when the peace has been signed, will be revoked by the Dandim. (Signed) as soon as possible, we are currently drafting it", said Andrian.

"We have a concept, yes, the point is peace. We apologize to each other, and will not repeat the act, in the future, there will be no more disagreements", he continued.

In mediation, according to Andrian, there were no special requests from residents. However, residents asked that the COVID-19 test be socialized first before being carried out.

"They asked if there would be more socialization with COVID-19, they basically (asked for) more massiveness. So so that the next time you want to do an antigen swab again, please notify in advance. Not suddenly and not by means of coercion", he said.