Johar Baru Police Chief: Needs Firmness And Cooperation Of Citizens To Prevent Brawl

JAKARTA - To prevent and minimize brawls in the region, the Head of the Johar Baru Police, Kompol Edison, asked the community for cooperation in reporting every form of security and order disturbance that often occurs in their respective areas, especially in Johar Baru, Central Jakarta.

"These disturbances often take their toll and are related to other crimes, such as drug abuse", said Commissioner Edison when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, August 25.

The problem of brawls in Johar Baru often occurs because the signs of a brawl trigger are not immediately reported or dispelled so that disturbances in public order and security often appear.

In fact, according to him, some residents choose to be spectators and help block roads, to support brawls or clashes between residents.

"We ask the RT and RW so that if there is a fight, report it to us", he said.

"So far, someone has reported to us, so we can immediately go down to the field to disperse while securing the perpetrators", he added.

The firmness and cooperation of regional unit administrators at the RT/RW (Citizens Association), and Village levels, including the Koramil, is expected to ensure that disturbances in security and order are not only overcome but also anticipated.