BNI Urges The Community To Immediately Disburse Social Assistance Funds: Otherwise, Their Account Will Be Blocked

JAKARTA - PT Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk (BNI) appealed to people who are listed as recipients of social assistance (bansos) to withdraw funds as soon as possible.

BNI Corporate Secretary Mucharom said this step was very important considering that the Beneficiary Family's (KPM) account could be blocked automatically if the funds were allowed to settle for a certain period of time.

"If within three months or 90 days from the time the social assistance funds are received it is not disbursed, then the account is blocked", he said in an official statement quoted on Tuesday, August 24.

According to Mucharom, another reason why KPM was unable to collect their funds was that they did not come to collect the card when there were distribution activities in the local district.

"BNI encourages all KPM recipients of social assistance to come to the card distribution area as regulated by the regional government and local social services, in collaboration with Bank Himbara", he said.

Mucharom added that after receiving the card, the KPM was asked to withdraw or spend all social assistance that had been entered into their respective accounts or wallets. This applies both to the Basic Food Program which has entered nine stages and or the Hope Family Program (PKH) social assistance program which has entered three stages.

"We together with the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs and all Social Services in districts and cities continue to make efforts to accelerate disbursement so that all social assistance funds can be immediately received by Beneficiary Families", he stressed.

For information, BNI as a state-owned bank was assigned to distribute the Basic Food Program to 5.8 million KPM with a total fund of IDR 10.21 trillion.

BNI was also assigned to distribute the Family Hope Program Social Assistance (PKH) to 4.1 million KPM with a total fund of IDR 7.29 trillion. KPM recipients of the assistance are spread across 108 cities and regencies.