Viral Invaded By Tourists, Ocean View Of Karang Potong In Cianjur Closed, Managers Receive Written Warning
CIANJUR - The COVID-19 Task Force in Sindangbarang Sub-district, Cianjur, West Java, has temporarily closed the Ocean View Karang Potong tourist attraction which is still operating during the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).
The manager received a written warning because the tourist spot that was viral on social media was visited by many tourists.
"We temporarily closed the new tourist spot, because we were determined to open during PPKM level 3. The beach-style tourist spot was viral on social media, where in the video circulating a lot of tourists came, making it vulnerable to COVID-19 transmission," said Sindangbarang Police Chief, Commissioner Adjutant Muhaimin when contacted in Cianjur, Antara, Sunday, August 22.
Currently, his party has closed the tourist spot after there was a warrant from the Cianjur Regency Government. Not only temporarily closing, but the officer also gave a written warning to the manager because the implementation of PPKM level 3 did not apply a fine.
"During PPKM level 3 there is no application of fines, so the manager is only subject to a written warning, if he violates again, he will be subject to strict sanctions from the Cianjur Satpol PP," he said.
The Head of Cianjur PP, Hendri Prasetyadi, said that currently tourist attractions in Cianjur are not allowed to open because the status of Cianjur is still PPKM level 3. Only areas with level 2 can reopen tourist attractions with various requirements including regulating the number of tourists who come.
"For now, the regency government has not given permission for tourist attractions to reopen. For managers who violate it, apart from receiving a written warning, if they are stubborn, they will get strict sanctions from closing to revocation of permits," he said.
His party appealed to the management of tourist attractions not to force them to open because it was feared that it could increase the spread of COVID-19 again. Until now, the government is trying hard to reduce the number of transmissions, so that Cianjur can return to the green zone or zero cases of COVID-19.
"We ask all parties to jointly fight the Coronavirus, including the management of tourist attractions, to refrain from operating before receiving instructions from the government, both central, provincial, and regional," he said.