West Sumatra BKSDA Joint Team Arrests 2 Tiger Bone Sellers

JAKARTA - The Joint Team of the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) and the Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Pasaman Resort Police, West Sumatra, arrested two perpetrators suspected of trafficking body parts of protected animals in the form of tiger bones.

"The two perpetrators, namely Darmenra (46) a resident of Aek Manis, Sibolga, North Sumatra, and Fahman Nasution (54) a resident of Jorong Kuamang, Kampung Bolu Laga Ujung Gading, West Pasaman, were both secured at a cafe in Ujung Gading, West Pasaman Regency, Friday, August 20," said the Head of BKSDA Resort Agam Ade Putra, at Simpang Empat, Saturday.

He said that from the hands of the two perpetrators, officers secured a set of tiger bones which were stored in a bag and a motorbike used by the perpetrators.

The arrest of the perpetrator began when the joint team received information from the public that there would be a sale and purchase transaction of protected animal body parts in a cafe.

After receiving the information, the team moved to explore the information and it turned out that it was true that there were two perpetrators along with evidence and the officers immediately took them into custody.

"The buyer came from North Sumatra and according to information, the perpetrator was going to an ATM of a bank at the tip of Ivory, but after being searched, they couldn't be found," he said.

From the results of the officer's interrogation, the perpetrator admitted that he would sell one set of bones for Rp12 million and if successful, the sale and purchase of animal body parts in the form of two tiger skins with an agreed price of Rp150 million.

"The perpetrators admit that the goods have been in the hands of the perpetrators for almost four months and will be sold at the agreed price," he said.

After that, the team carried out developments by bringing the perpetrators to a storage area for two tiger skins at home in the West Situak area, West Pasaman.

But it turns out that the perpetrator's friend who kept the tiger skin escaped.

"The two perpetrators have been named suspects and are currently being held at the West Pasaman Police," he said.

The perpetrator violated Article 21 paragraph 2 letter d of Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Their Ecosystems with a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a maximum fine of Rp100 million.

He emphasized that the joint team would continue to develop the involvement of other actors in the protected wildlife trade network.

Meanwhile, he said, the Head of the West Sumatra BKSDA Ardi Andono had ordered the BKSDA Team to investigate the origin of the evidence that was secured because in mid-July 2021 the BKSDA evacuated a tiger from the plantation location and it was still young.

It is possible that this evidence came from the mother or sister of the evacuated tiger, he said.