Supporting The Eradication Of Illegal Loans, The National Police Chief Alludes To Cyber Crime

JAKARTA - National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said that online lending or peer-to-peer lending is a development in the financial sector. But vulnerable to cybercrime.

"On the other hand, there is a potential risk of crimes that often occur, such as cybercrime, misinformation and transaction errors, and misuse of personal data", said Sigit at the signing of the Joint Statement for the Eradication of Illegal Online Loans, Friday, August 20.

The rise of crime with online loan mode is because non-financial banking regulations are not strict. Thus, the loopholes are exploited by the perpetrators.

"Moreover, non-financial banking regulations in Indonesia are not as strict as current banking regulations, so they are often used by criminals who provide online loan services, especially those who do not have official permission from the OJK (The Financial Services Authority)", said the National Police Chief.

Sigit also mentioned the action taken by the Police. Noted, 14 cases of online loans have been revealed.

Of the dozens of cases, the perpetrators used various modus operandi. Starting from the terms that change after people use it to billing methods that don't comply with the rules.

"Providing offers to prospective customers on easy terms without having to meet or meet face-to-face. Has conditions for customers to follow the policies and conditions in online loan applications, where contact data in customers can be opened by the lender, the collection is not carried out in a manner collection is by the provisions of OJK regulation number 77 POJK 01 2016 concerning technology-based lending and borrowing service providers", said Sigit.

"If there is a delay in payment, the lender will collect the names contained in the customer's cellphone contact", he continued.

Therefore, the National Police Chief strongly supports the eradication of illegal online loans. So far, 121 online loans have been registered by the OJK.

"Based on data released by OJK, as of July 2021 there are 121 fintech peer-to-peer lending companies that have been registered and licensed at OJK", said General Sigit.