Bobby Nasution Checks Bukit Raya Motor Ship Where Medan Residents Are Isolation, Tomorrow Starts Operation

MEDAN - After making several preparations, the Bukit Raya Motor Ship (KM) is planned to start operating as the first floating centralized isolation in Medan City, Friday, August 20 tomorrow.

The ship is owned by PT COVID-19 with mild or no symptoms (OTG). In addition to preventing exposed residents from interacting with people who have not been exposed, self-isolation is carried out to facilitate handling.

If the condition of the exposed residents worsens, they can be immediately referred to the hospital for maximum treatment. This was revealed when the Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution after inspecting the Bukit Raya Motor Ship at Belawan Harbor, Thursday, August 19.

Currently, the Medan City Government through the relevant regional apparatus organizations (OPD), elements of Forkopimda, PT PELNI (Persero), and PT Pelindo continue to collaborate and work together to complete all the necessary preparations, so that Bukit Raya Motor Ship can be used as a centralized isolation place, especially for residents who live in the northern part of Medan.

All preparations will be completed tomorrow afternoon and in the evening Bukit Raya Motor Ship can already be used as centralized isolation. Currently, some technical matters need to be followed up.

According to Bobby Nasution from Public Relations information from the Medan City Government, Bukit Raya Motor Ship in normal conditions can accommodate as many as 900 passengers. However, because it is used as a centralized isolation place for handling COVID-19 and must follow health protocols, he explained, Bukit Raya Motor Ship is only projected to accommodate 485 people at a regulated distance and place.

Bukit Raya Motor Ship is also supported by health facilities because the purpose of self-isolation is for healing. Then equipped with a sundeck, bathroom with hot water and television.

Bobby Nasution explained this centralized isolation is no different from the other two centralized isolations, namely the former Soechi Hotel on Cirebon Street and the Center for the Development and Empowerment of Educators and Education Personnel (P4TK) at Setia Budi Street, Medan Helvetia.

For the criteria, Bobby explained, it is intended for people with mild symptoms or OTG and is free of charge or free while undergoing self-isolation.

Bobby Nasution appealed to people who have been exposed to COIVD-19 and are currently undergoing self-isolation at home to be expected to use Bukit Raya Motor Ship.

There are about 50 health workers from the Medan City Health Office in collaboration with Dr. Pirngadi Hospital Medan who will be assigned to handle residents undergoing self-isolation at Bukit Raya Motor Ship.

For every 100 patients, he explained, there will be 4 doctors and 8 nurses.

Previously, Bobby Nasution accompanied by Deputy Mayor Aulia Rachman and elements of the Medan City Forkopimda reviewed Bukit Raya Motor Ship which was used for the self-isolation place and bathroom facilities. Then proceed with a review of other rooms, including the room that will be used by medical personnel.

Finally, Bobby checked the sundeck at the top of Bukit Raya Motor Ship.