SMRC Survey On Poor Prosecutors' Performance, Many Prosecutors' Assessments Can't Be Apart From Bribes

JAKARTA - The survey results from Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) noted that most of the respondents considered that prosecutors could not be separated from the practice of bribery. In fact, the percentage reached 59 percent.

"The most negative assessment is related to the practice of bribery, where about 59 percent of citizens think that the prosecutors in our country are not clean from the practice of bribery. Only 26 percent of the prosecutors rate the practice of bribery. The rest, around 15 percent, cannot give an assessment", said SMRC Research Director Deni Irvani in a statement, Thursday, August 19.

In addition, the results of another survey noted that 52 percent of the public/respondents considered the process of selecting prosecutors to be inseparable from corruption, collusion, and nepotism (KKN). Then, 49 percent of the public also considered that the prosecutor was not independent in prosecuting cases.

The worse part, the public also views that the internal control system that is in effect within the prosecutor's office is still very bad.

"About 45 percent of the residents think that the internal supervision of the prosecutor's or prosecutor's employees is not going well. 35 percent of those who think it's been going well, and about 20 percent don't know or can't answer”, said Deni.

In addition, Deni also said that the survey results showed consistent figures in the handling of the district attorney's office. Where 41 percent of the community considers the handling of cases unprofessional.

The survey also showed that 37 percent of the people who were respondents considered that public complaints reports on violations committed by prosecutors and prosecutors' employees were not processed properly by the prosecutor's office.

"These assessments affect the level of public trust in the Attorney General's Office", said Deni.

For information, the survey was conducted using this telephone, which was conducted from July 31 to August 2, 2021, with 1000 randomly selected respondents.