COVID-19 Still Crazy In Jambi, These 3 Regions Have Red Zone Status

JAMBI - Three areas in Jambi Province are in the high risk zone or red zone based on the risk map for COVID-19 transmission.

"Of the eleven regencies and cities in Jambi Province, three are the COVID-19 red zones and eight are the COVID-19 orange zones," said Jambi Province COVID-19 Task Force spokesman Johansyah in Jambi, Antara, Wednesday, August 18.

Based on the mapping of the risk of COVID-19 transmission for the period 9 to 15 August 2021, Jambi City, Batanghari Regency, and East Tanjung Jabung Regency are in the red zone.

Meanwhile, the Kerinci, Bungo, Tebo, Merangin, Sorolangun, Muaro Jambi, Tanjung Jabung Barat, and Sungai Penuh areas are classified as being in the orange zone, a medium risk zone for transmission.

Johansyah said, overall Jambi Province in the past month was still in the red zone because no part of the area was in the yellow zone (low risk zone) and green zone (zone without COVID-19 cases).

Since the beginning of the pandemic until now, the cumulative number of Jambi residents who have been infected with COVID-19 is 25,605 people, with details of 20,211 people having recovered, 585 people dying, and 4,809 patients still undergoing treatment or self-isolation.

The Jambi Provincial Government has added isolation facilities for COVID-19 patients by enabling the Hajj Dormitory and the Jambi Education Quality Assurance Institution (LPMP) Building as a centralized quarantine place.

The addition of a centralized quarantine facility is intended to facilitate monitoring of COVID-19 patients and reduce the risk of transmission of the corona virus.

Local governments carry out various efforts to prevent and control the transmission of COVID-19, including intensifying examination and tracking of cases and intensifying the implementation of vaccinations.