In Order Not To Fight Often, This Is How To Get Rid Of The Ego In A Relationship

JAKARTA - Ego is one of the causes that can destroy a love relationship. Miscommunication and a sense of wanting to win alone that eventually trigger a fight, all started from a high sense of ego. If you want a harmonious relationship, you must be able to reduce the sense of ego with your partner. Here's how to get rid of ego attitudes in relationships, reported from Herworld, Wednesday, August 18.

Discussion to solve the problem

It's important to calm down after a fight. But it's a good idea to take the time to clear up the problems that arise because of it. Try to understand each other. Stop judging and feel the most self-righteous. Long-lasting relationships can be realized if you and your partner are willing to make sacrifices together.

Try to be a good listener

Being a good listener doesn't just apply when your partner is in a good mood. But also when they're angry. Indeed, it sounds difficult especially if you are to blame. But, if you give in to your ego to get angry too, it will be very difficult to find a way out. So, be a good listener. There is no need to interrupt their conversation because all they need is a good listener.

Backing down

Backing down does not mean losing. You can avoid unnecessary fights. At least until the couple's emotions are completely stable. Also, make sure you don't judge your partner, especially when their emotions are running high. It's not that you feel right, it's just getting hurt. If you are in a situation like this, being silent and giving in is the best option.