Woman In Bandung Found Dead Wrapped In Blanket

BANDUNG - A woman in her 40s was found dead wrapped in a blanket in the Cibogo River, Mekarjaya Village, Rancasari District, Bandung City.

Rancasari Police Chief Commissioner Wendy Boyoh said after the residents found the body at around 10:00 WIB, the police immediately evacuated the body to the Sartika Asih Hospital.

"We will immediately take her to Sartika Asih, if possible we will do an autopsy. The body was wrapped in a blanket", said Wendy in Bandung, West Java, quoted by Antara, Monday, August 16.

Wendy was not able to determine the cause of death of the body found in the river. Because according to him, officers at the location have not been able to identify the body that was found.

"The body was immediately taken away because there were a lot of people who wanted to look around", he said.

"Initially it was found by the cleaning staff of the river if yesterday the body was not there", he added.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation at the Bandung Police, AKBP Rudi Trihandono, said that he was still waiting for the post-mortem results to confirm whether the body was a murder victim.

"It's waiting for the results of the post-mortem. Is there a murder or not", said Rudi.