Densus 88 Arrest 3 Suspected Terrorists In Lebak Banten

JAKARTA - The Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Anti-terror Police arrested a Rehab Hati Islamic boarding school cleric (Ponpes) in Sumur Pecung Village, Warunggunung, Lebak Regency, Banten.

"The Ustaz was arrested on Friday (13/8) and there was no resistance," said the head of RT 13 Sumur Pecung, Warunggunung, Sandra, quoted by Antara, Saturday, August 14.

Tahfidz Quran Special Heart Rehab Islamic Boarding School located on Rangkasbitung-Pandeglang road, owned by Ustaz Ahmad.

The presence of the Islamic boarding school is very closed and the Ustaz are unknown to local residents, including the Ustaz who was arrested by Densus 88, he said.

The Islamic boarding school, which was established for five years, is not a resident here. "We don't really know the Ustaz who was arrested," he said.

Meanwhile, Banten Police Public Relations Head, Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant Shinto Silitonga said the National Police's Anti-terror Detachment 88 team arrested three suspected terrorists in the Warunggunung District, Lebak Regency.

The three identities arrested had the initials AF, MS, and MU.

"Currently, the three suspected terrorists have been brought to the National Police Headquarters to undergo investigation by the Detachment 88 investigators," he said.