Prone To Leakage Of Personal Data, Ministry Of Trade Promises To Order Vaccine Card Printing Services On The Marketplace
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade regulates vaccine card printing services in the marketplace (lokapasar). This is purportedly in accordance with Article 58 of Government Regulation Number 80 of 2019 concerning Trading Through Electronic Systems.
The Ministry of Trade assesses that the printing of vaccine cards for people who have been vaccinated is very vulnerable to the leakage of personal data. The Director-General of Consumer Protection and Trade Order, Veri Anggrijono, reminded the public to pay attention that personal data is a private property whose use must be based on approval.
"Submission of a short message link sent by the public that was received after the COVID-19 vaccination can be considered as approval for the use of personal data," said Veri in a statement in Jakarta, Saturday, August 12.
To print the vaccine card, he continued, the public will be asked to provide a short message containing a link to open a COVID-19 vaccination certificate. The COVID-19 vaccination certificate contains personal data such as the identity number in the Identity Card (KTP) or other personal information.
"Because handing over a short message link to a card printer with a COVID-19 vaccine will pose a risk to the protection of consumers' personal data," said Veri.
It is known, the government has issued a policy through the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Level 4, Level 3, and Level 2 COVID-19 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in the Java and Bali Region.
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Followed by the implementation of a trial opening in stages for malls or shopping centers in areas that PPKM Level 4 applies with reference to the basic guidelines for shopping center health protocols issued by the Ministry of Trade.
In this guide, people who travel to malls must show a certificate of COVID-19 vaccination or a card that has been vaccinated against COVID-19. To find out that visitors have received the vaccine, the manager will ask visitors to scan the barcode in the PeduliLindung application.
However, Veri said, the requirement to show that the card has been vaccinated against COVID-19 provides an opportunity for printing service businesses to offer the public to print a card that has been vaccinated against COVID-19 in the form of a small printed card resembling an identity card on the pretext of making it easier for people to carry the card.
"I hope the public as consumers pay attention to the feasibility of business actors who print cards that have the COVID-19 vaccine, especially to maintain security and manage personal data," he said.
In the event that a violation of the use of personal data is found by the perpetrator of the card printing having the COVID-19 vaccine, added Veri, the consumer can file a civil lawsuit in accordance with Article 26, Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions.
"In the market shop, there are various offers of card printing services with the COVID-19 vaccine which could potentially violate the provisions on personal data protection," said Veri.
Tag: covid 19 vaksinasi covid 19 perlindungan data pribadi sertifikat vaksin