Elon Musk Teased Jeff Bezos For Continuing To Lobby The Government Instead Of Developing A Rocket

JAKARTA - Billionaire Elon Musk again mocked his rival Jeff Bezos, because Bezos is so ambitious and only focuses on seducing the United States government rather than developing rockets.

The two are known to often compete in building space vehicles and use their vast fortunes to fund their private space companies.

However, recently Musk mocked Bezos again via his official Twitter account with a tweet, "If lobbies and lawyers can get you into orbit, Bezos will be on Pluto rn".

Compiled from The Independent, Thursday, August 12, this isn't the first time Musk has ridiculed the Blue Origin CEO, back in 2015, Bezos described the first successful launch and landing of the New Shepard Blue Origin space vehicle as "the rarest of animals", but later Musk responded with, "Not very rare. The SpaceX Grasshopper rocket made six suborbital flights three years ago and it's still around".

Likewise in 2019, Musk shared a clone image of the Blue Origin moon lander and changed the name from Blue Moon to Blue Balls.

Last month, just days after a 10-minute flight to the edge of space on a New Shepard Blue Origin rocket, Bezos published an open letter to NASA calling for competition to be restored for the Artemis mission, the mission to bring astronauts to the Moon.

Bezos also offered to cover most of the costs of developing the lander to the Moon. "I am honored to offer this contribution and grateful to cover the financial problems to be able to do so", said Bezos.

Bezos' remarks drew another response from Musk, saying, "Just wanted to thank those in the government who are fighting so hard for the right thing to happen, despite extreme pressure to do otherwise. Therein lies the core goodness of America.

NASA's Artemis program aims to put the first astronauts since Apollo back on the Moon and use the Moon's surface as a springboard for future missions to Mars.

Last year, Congress gave NASA $850 million of the $3.3 billion requested for a vehicle to the Moon. NASA cited the lack of funds as the reason why they only chose SpaceX Starship, not Blue Origin.