Fulfilling Availability Of Oxygen Cylinders, Bengkulu Governor Asks For South Sumatra And Lampung Assistance

JAKARTA - Bengkulu Governor Rohidin Mersyah admitted to asking for oxygen assistance to two neighboring provinces, South Sumatra and Lampung. This was done in line with the limited supply of oxygen needed by COVID-19 patients.

"Yesterday we made a collaboration and we asked for help from South Sumatra and Lampung. In principle, they let it be free, but we prepared the transportation car", said Bengkulu Governor Rohidin Mersyah in Mukomuko, Wednesday, August 11, as quoted by Antara.

Governor Rohidin said this, after checking two PPKM (Restrictions on Community Activities) posts in Ujung Padang Village and Bandar Ratu Village, Mukomuko City District.

The activities of the local provincial task force to regencies and cities cover everything apart from checking whether the PPKM post has been running smoothly or not, including the availability of oxygen.

In addition, even though Bengkulu received free oxygen assistance from two neighboring provinces, it was still difficult to get an 'ISO tank' car that served to carry oxygen.

Currently, the number of ISO tank cars specifically transporting oxygen in Bengkulu, including those outside the local province, is also limited. For that, Governor Rohidin said that his party took another solution, namely renting an ISO tank car and the second solution was to procure tubes so they could take them themselves.

He added that apart from asking for help from two neighboring provinces, Governor Rohidin said that his party had also asked for help from other provinces such as West Sumatra Province which borders this area.

"If there is an opportunity, West Sumatra will be closer. But related to the supply of oxygen needed by COVID-19 patients in general, it can be fulfilled", he concluded.