Case Of Finding Five Months Pregnant Woman's Body In Cakung, Police Secure Victim's Boyfriend

JAKARTA - A joint team from the Cakung Police and the Metro Jaya Police is reported to have arrested the boyfriend of a murder victim with the initials M who was found dead wrapped in cardboard and sacks on the edge of Jalan Raya Bekasi, Cakung, East Jakarta.

The victim's boyfriend was arrested for questioning regarding the death of M (17) who was five months pregnant.

Deputy Director of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation at Metro Jaya Police, AKBP Jerry Siagian, agreed that his party had secured someone related to this case. The man is currently being investigated.

"We haven't received a report yet, they are still in custody and have not confessed (to killing)", he told reporters, Wednesday, August 11.

Until now, the police are still investigating the person's statement. So he could not convey further about this case.

It is known that victim M (17), a resident from Pemalang, Central Java, works as a household assistant (ART) in Bekasi. She was found dead wrapped in cardboard and sacks on the edge of Jalan Raya Bekasi Street, Cakung, East Jakarta, Tuesday, August 10, yesterday.

Currently, the victim's body is still at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital. Wahyuni (40), the victim's aunt, explained that her party received a report from the police that her nephew was found dead.

Then, the Inafis Police Team had matched the fingerprints and DNA of the victim and confirmed it was Maroah.

Wahyuni said the victim had only arrived in Jakarta 2 months ago from Pemalang, Central Java. The victim came to Jakarta with her lover.

"She came to Jakarta with her boyfriend", said Wahyuni at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, Wednesday, August 11.

Wahyuni recounted that the victim had a small stature and was not too tall. Even so, Wahyuni admitted that he did not know where the victim lived with whom.

"I don't know where she lives", she said.