Persecutors Of Ustaz In Nagan Raya Aceh Handed Over To The Prosecutor

MEULABOH - Investigators of the Nagan Raya Aceh Police Criminal Investigation Unit handed over suspect EY (38 years), a resident of Pulo Le Village, Kuala District, to the prosecutor's office after the investigation process was completed.

Previously, suspect EY was arrested by the police for allegedly molesting Teungku Rahmatul Wahyu at the Safiatun Naja Islamic Boarding School/Dayah Complex, resulting in bruises and dizziness.

"We have handed over the suspect to the prosecutor for the trial process in court," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Machfud in Suka Makmue, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 10.

AKP Machfud explained that suspect EY was arrested by the police since June 6, 2021 after persecuting Teungku Rahmatul Wahyu, an ustadz at the Safiatun Naja Islamic Boarding School, Pulo Le Village, Kuala District, Nagan Raya Regency.

Suspect EY beat the victim Teungku Rahmatul Wahyu three times, causing the victim to experience dizziness and bruises on his head.

"The cause of the persecution was because the suspect was upset and accused his younger brother as the leader of the pesantren having died without any evidence," said AKP Machfud.

The mistreatment of the victim occurred when the victim, Teungku Rahmatul Wahyu, was about to pay a pilgrimage to the pesantren complex after the leader of the local pesantren with the initials Tgk R died.

For his actions, the police arrested suspect EY with Article 351 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code with a maximum sentence of two years and eight months in prison.

"In addition to the suspects, we have also submitted a number of evidences related to this case," said AKP Machfud.