12 People In Riau Province Will Get Awards

PEKANBARU - A total of 12 warrior figures from 12 regencies/cities throughout Riau Province will receive awards and "sago hearts" this momentum is related to the 64th Anniversary of Riau Province.

"The awards and sago hearts will be given to the heirs during the 64th Anniversary Plenary of Riau Province in a plenary meeting at the Riau Provincial DPRD Building, Monday, August 9, because the fighters have all died," said the Head of the Provincial Social Service (Dinsos). Riau, Tengku Zul Effendi in Pekanbaru, citing Antara, Sunday 8 August.

The awarding, Zul Effendi explained, is a sign of service for what the fighters and figures have done during their lifetime to realize Riau Province.

"These fighters and figures who received this award have contributed to contributing their thoughts and energy in developing Riau Province at that time," he said.

The award will be given to the 12 warrior figures in the form of certificates, books, pins, and Rp5 million sago money to the heirs.

Below are the names of the 12 regional fighters who will receive the award in conjunction with the 64th Anniversary of Riau Province in 2021:

1. H Anwar Diman from Pekanbaru

2. Wan Ghalib from Siak

3. Buya Mansur Abdul Jabar from Kampar

4. T Kamaroel Zaman from Rokan Hulu

5. Abdullah Syakub from Rokan Hilir

6. Dr H Encik Oemar Syarif (Datok Temenggung) from Indragiri Hulu

7. Prod Dr Mukhtar Lutfi from Kuantan Singingi

8. Mas Selamat from Kepulauan Meranti

9. T Said Muhammad Alydrus from Dumai

10. Tuan Guru KH Bustami Qadri Bin H Qadri from Indragiri Hilir

11. H Muhammad from Bengkalis

12. H.T Said Oemar Aljufri from Pelalawan.