The Controversy Of Imam Of The Mosque Killed By Unknown People While Leading Friday Prayers, Really?

JAKARTA - An article on sparked public attention after uploading a news report that said the imam of praying was stabbed to death. In the narration of the article, it is stated that the victim is Muhammad Arif (61), a resident of Tanjung Rancing Village, Kota Kayuagung District, Ogan Komering Ilir, South Sumatra.

The victim died after being treated for 3 days at a hospital in Palembang. In this article published on July 10, 2021, it is stated that the victim suffered injuries from sharp objects on his face and back.


Let's check!

This incident actually happened in 2020 and not during Friday prayers but maghrib. The victim was also not stabbed by an unknown person but the administrator of the same mosque as the victim.

"He didn't die when he was rushed to the hospital, but after being treated for three days at RSMH Palembang. The suspect admitted that he had a grudge against the victim for forbidding him to take care of the mosque's charity box," wrote turnbackhoaks.

The perpetrator, who is the treasurer and chairman of the mosque's equipment, was hurt because the key to the charity box he was holding was requested by the victim, who is the head of the mosque.

"The victim suffered stab wounds to the neck, ear, and left cheek as a result of the incident. The victim was then taken to Kayu Agung Hospital and referred back to Mohammad Husein Hospital, Palembang. The victim was treated for three days. But finally, the victim died," wrote the statement turnbackhoaks. Thus this article falls into the category of misleading content