Pentagon Develops An Artificial Intelligence That Can Predict Events The Day Before

YOGYAKARTA - Generally, we hear more about Artificial Intelligence technology in photographic features. Function to improve photo quality automatically. In fact, in the United States (US), this technology is one of the fastest-growing.

Citing Science Alert, the US military is known to be testing an experimental Artificial Intelligence network with a fairly complex and mind-blowing task. Namely identifying future events that require great attention – the day before they occur.

This series of tests is called the Global Information Dominance Experiments (GIDE). The experiment combined huge amounts of data and came from a variety of sources. This includes satellite images, intelligence reports, on-the-ground sensors, radar, and much more.

Not only that, but cloud computing also plays an important role in this experiment. This storage technology ensures that all data that has been collected from around the world can be efficiently processed, then accessed by military officers and agencies that need it.

“GIDE, Global Information Dominance Experiments, is bringing about a fundamental change in the way we use information and data to improve decision-making for leaders. From tactical to a strategic level. Not only for military leaders, but this technology also provides opportunities for civilian leaders", said the US Air Force General Glen D. VanHerck, quoted from the official US Department of Defense website, Wednesday, July 28.

Similar to Technology in Minority Report Film

Many of the technologies being developed today are inspired by scientific science films. If mentioned, of course, the list will be long, and GIDE technology is one of them.

Reading VanHerck's description, we can also find a similar technology concept from the film directed by Steven Spielberg entitled Minority Report. The film tells the story of a new police unit that specializes in handling every crime that will occur. Sounds familiar to you?

VanHerck revealed that the idea of developing this technology is to design anticipatory actions for every step taken by other countries. This means that countermeasures can be taken even before the fighting begins, or when tensions between the two sides have the potential to escalate.

However, there is nothing mystical about 'this prophecy'. For example, when a country is preparing a ship to leave port, it means that it is quite clear that the ship is heading out to sea. With the help of AI, the military can find and compile all of this information much faster than the time needed by human analysts.

Another example is the number of cars in a parking lot, military headquarters, or research station. When the AI sees an increase in activity, it will notify other systems, which will then analyze it as part of a large data set.

"The data is there. And what we do is make that data available and then share it over the cloud – where machine learning and Artificial Intelligence will be watching. Then they both process it very quickly and send it to the policymakers, which I call Superior Policy”, said VanHerck.